The Russian invasion of Ukraine has provoked serious division on the left, especially in Europe. On this page we present the contributions of ENSU affiliate organisations and individuals and ENSU as a network to this critical debate.

In this essay Murray Smith replies to Party of the European Left leaders Heinz Bierbaum and Michel Brie’s article *The Left and the inter-imperial war.*

  1. **European Left leaders on Ukraine: Not even a hint of solidarity (Links)**

  2. **Los líderes de la izquierda europea sobre Ucrania: Ni un atisbo de solidaridad (Sin Permiso)**

  3. **Οι ηγέτες της Ευρωπαϊκής Αριστεράς για την Ουκρανία: Ούτε ίχνος αλληλεγγύης (ElaLiberta)**

  4. **Les dirigeants de la Gauche européenne sur l’Ukraine : Même pas un soupçon de solidarité (Europe Solidaire Sans Frontières)**

  5. **Líderes da Esquerda Europeia sobre a Ucrânia: Nem um vestígio de solidariedade (Revista Movimento)**

  6. **Nicht einmal ein Hauch von Solidarität – Europäische Linke zur Ukraine (emanzipation —Zeitschrift für ökosozialistische Strategie)**
